The Triple-Alpha Process

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Monday, February 20, 2006

The Singularity

I wish I was an astrophysicist. I wish that not just for the hip, sultry lifestyle that goes along with it- but more because I want to know how to make a transversable wormhole capable of traveling to parallel dimensions.

As I flipped through the pages of Wikipedia, it soon became apparent that I would need more help. I sat back, smoked a cigarette, and listened to the music pouring out of my iTunes. "Some of us hover when we weep for the other, who was dying since the day they were born." Yes, isn't that always the way?

But Lisa Loeb is of no comfort to me now. I am lost in a world of anti-gravity, super colliders, and black holes rotating into oblivion. Is the singularity the answer? Most certified scientists would say: no. It's a danger to universe and everything in it.

But I wonder about that. If it's so wrong...might it also be right?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like the new digs! Keep up the good work, love.

1:58 PM  

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