The Triple-Alpha Process

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Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Silly Rabbit, Science is for Singaporean Kids!

I would like to take a moment to applaud the Trix Rabbit. In a time when America is slumping in the race to generate little scientists of our own, he has taken it upon himself to teach every single non-diabetic child the skills he or she will need to know in order to get a PhD in Sciencehood. Well done, Rabbit, well done.

If only I had the Trix Rabbit at bat for me in middle school- then maybe I too would be a scientist, instead of the deadbeat mooch, living off of my parents, and handouts from the local homeless shelter- but, of course, I digress.

See, I respect science; and I appreciate science; but neither respect it or appreciate it enough to be able to stay awake through a Geology lecture. Like many Americans, I learn what science interests me most. And right now, the only science I’m interested in is that that has to do with Time Travel!

So, please, for the good of our fair Nation, feed your children Trix Yogurt- not just for its vast nutritional value but also for future of Science, itself!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Time travel is easy. The only thing is, though, that you have to be a guy to do it. Plus, it's extremely dangerous.

First, you have to buy this from my Uncle:

Second, you have to check the newspaper for experienced people to go with you. Luckily I'm your friend and did it for you, so go here:

He gave me proof of his time travel experience here: and also here:

Finally, be sure to read this article from Time Magazine about the dangers:

Good luck!

1:50 PM  
Blogger Sam42 said...

Thank you for your help, Anaximander! Sadly, I am a woman and must now abandon all hope of time travel. Dammit! Well, science can crush my prospects, but it can never crush my dreams!

2:22 PM  

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