The Triple-Alpha Process

WARNING: You are now entering a literary experiment. Goggles and lab coats mandatory.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Late Night Caller

Heavy breathing…
“Who is this?”
“Hey, baby, what are you wearing right now?”
“Do I know you?”
“I know you want it- you’re a dirty, dirty slut.”
“I’m going to ask this again. Who is this?”

Heavy Breathing…

“Look, sicko, this isn’t funny.”
“That’s right. I like my bitches scared. Are you scared…Steve?”
Dial tone.
“Think about my offer, Steve. I’ll call you.”

I flip through the phone book. Should I try again? I’m not sure I can face the rejection. And yet, I know Mr. Right is out there somewhere. Just waiting. Waiting for my call.

That’s why I must pick up the phone…and dial.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

As philosophies go, I am a strong believer in destiny, that the future is simply a matter of pre-paved course. This runs in tandem with my estimation of causality as absolute law, that everything that will be done in the future is the concrete formation of current events, themselves shaped and hued by action in the past. My theory holds itself together only if there is a solitary absolute, omnipotent creator, whose ultimate power would be necessary to ensure the rigidity of fate with the appearance of chance.

With that in mind, I know of a man whose own experience with prank calls resulted in years of turbulence defined by what would have been uncharacteristic life choices, many of them noted as simple mistakes. According to my hypothesis, however, none of these errors can be charged as such. They were, instead, intentional and necessary happen-stances for the fated future to run as planned.

I consider myself an optimist: though some would strike my claim that mankind's willful, tenacious drive towards progress in goodness as perpendicular to my overarching theory, I hold that any God powerful enough to create and maintain a universe as constant in directed change as this would also be a loving God. His will, our actions, are directed in a way to make Him satisfied, to make us happy.

As He would have it, we cannot be entirely aware of our ensured destiny. The flawed man I know is a better person as a result of what some termed his mistakes; amidst the smoldering coals of depravity he found a wondrous rock, a diamond to be used as foundation for magnanimity and greatness. Though the fog of time clouds my view, I remain convinced by this account that error is a necessary step towards perfection.

5:46 PM  

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