The Triple-Alpha Process

WARNING: You are now entering a literary experiment. Goggles and lab coats mandatory.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Stop, Look, Listen

There was not much going on. Not for me, anyhow. Within five minutes of entering, I tuned out all distractions and surrendered to pull of my own mental realm. Unfortunately, the only thing I could think of was that damn song I woke up to on my iPod alarm clock.

“You’re alone all the time/ Does it ever puzzle you/ Do you ask why?”

Marvin Gaye now taunts me repeatedly on the MP3 player that is my mind. I do wonder why- why I’m alone- alone all the time. “Don’t be afraid to help yourself,” he coos to me.

Oh, the sweet soothing sound of Marvin Gaye. Like chugging sherry by the glassful to get rid of the emptiness inside- real smooth; like a pair of silk nylons or the music of Keiko Matsui…well, you know what I mean. Of course you do. How could you not?

But once again, that’s getting a little off topic. In answer to your question: yes. I have tried turning the modem off and on again- but that doesn’t seem to be helping.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you check the network control panel? Make sure it's set to DHCP, and leave everything else blank.

12:25 AM  

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