The Triple-Alpha Process

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Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Because Demographers Got It Wrong:

Here’s a list that I made that you can count on…with your money- all of it (it's just that good)

Born 1945-1955 (were teenagers in the 60’s): “The Baby Boomers” or “Revolutionaries”
Born 1955-1965 (were teenagers in the 70’s): “Generation Depravity”, “Generation 54”, or “Blind Children of Sister Sledge”
Born 1965-1975 (were teenagers in the 80’s): “Gen X” Thank you, John Hughes (thanks, Duckie)

Now Here’s Where You Need to Pay Attention:

Born 1975-1985 (were teenagers in the 90’s): “Generation Y” or “Net Genners”
Born 1985-1995 (are teenagers currently, in the aughts): “iGeneration”
Born 1995-2005 (will grow up, eventually, or so I’m told): “Gen: Still To Be Named” coming soon

That’ll teach licensed demographers to lump me into the same generation as my little sister!


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