Who the fuck decided it was a good idea to classify healthy, strong relationships as “serious”? When I think of the word, “serious”, I think of a negative connotation.
Let me illustrate.

Well, that doesn’t really explain my point, but she sure looks like she’s having fun, right?
Let me try this again.
These are things I attribute the word “serious” to:
1. Brain Cancer
2. Lung Cancer
3. Cancer in general
4. Tests and Examinations
5. NASA foul ups
6. CSI’s Nick Stokes
These are things that I don’t attribute the word “serious” to:
1. Circus clowns
2. Cute puppies
3. Lemon squares
4. Relationships
I mean, if you start thinking of your relationship as, “serious” aren’t you essentially condemning yourself to a love with no sense of humor or time for fun?
I’m not saying you shouldn’t be committed or loving! Just why call it “serious”? Can’t you be in love and a little reckless at the same time without having to bring cancer into the whole thing?
And why do you always bring cancer into it? You know, at first I thought it was funny, but now it’s just distasteful.
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