The Triple-Alpha Process

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Wednesday, March 22, 2006

“Plane and Prejudice” Volume III, Part One

This is the fifth installment of a series that will run for two weeks. Please, if you have not already, read the previous corresponding updates along with this one.

Chapter 1:
“What manner of man would steal the first class seat right out from another man’s…bottom?” cried Caitlin, awaking Mr. Wright with a jolt.

“Well, certainly not I, if that is what you’re implying.”

“Then, please, tell me why a decent man, such as Mr. Sharples, would invent an entire tale around just that subject.”

“Perhaps,” Mr. Wright began with air of civility, “it’s because he has nothing to lose and everything to gain by doing so. Including the esteem of a beautiful woman.” Caitlin, shocked at his forwardness, was unable to speak, and so he continued. “I would prefer it if next time you heard a story that labels my character that you would first check the facts.”

Mr. Wright continued to impart that this was his rightful seat. Mr. Sharples, who was attempting to fly standby, tried to buy Mr. Wright’s ticket from him, and when he refused on the grounds that what Mr. Shraples was attempting was illegal, immoral, and well as opposing Mr. Wright’s own personal interests, he then turned violent and vowed to one day get his revenge on Mr. Wright. Mr. Wright also disclosed that Janel and Freddy, the flight attendants, had seen it all and she could apply to them to attest to his story.

Chapter 2:
Caity left Mr. Wright and immediately went to Janel and Freddy, who both confirmed his side of the story. Returning to her seat, Caity was met with a horrific sight. Mrs. Borstein lay fast asleep, while young Lisa sat atop Adrian’s lap in the most incriminating of positions. Adrian, upon seeing Caity, smiled sheepishly and then aroused his young lover. Tween-age Lisa, in her usual manner, let out a vivacious yawn and then cried, “Lord! Adrian, can’t we ever get any privacy around this place?” Standing up, Adrian shrugged at the wide-eyed Caitlin, and then pulled the eager Tween toward the airplane lavatory.



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