"Plane and Prejudice" Volume I, Part One
This is the first installment of a serialized story. It will run for two weeks. Feel free to read it with a British accent (it makes it even more fun).
Chapter 1:
It is the truth universally acknowledged, that the main cabin snack service will always occur at the precise moment when your bladder can no longer withstand to be held.
This was the exact predicament in which Caitlin found herself. And before she knew it, she was locked in the inconvenient space between two cumbersome and unfortunate snack carts.
Chapter 2:
Mr. Frederick Collins, or Freddy, as his nametag read, pushed the unwieldy snack cart along. Even the honor of handing out pretzels made from scratch by the illustrious Paul Newman could not brighten his spirits.
However, it was Caity in her hour of need, which recalled his sense of duty and, with a patient smile, he inched his cart over and inquired into the poor girl’s state of affairs. After a brief interlude, Freddy gave his counsel, which, despite Caity’s native proclivity for bravery and her own cheerful disposition, was the cause for a certain amount of alarm.
Chapter 3:
“What to make of this kindly attendant’s advice,” thought Caity, fretfully: “should I pursue it and venture alone into the First Class cabin?”
Merely the thought of entering First Class from Coach has been known to put fear into the hearts of even the bravest of men; but Caity was a fine, strong girl, and in accordance with every belief in her bosom, decided she to ignore all fear of bigotry and intolerance and to indeed part the velour curtain that separated her world from theirs. And so she entered.
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