The Triple-Alpha Process

WARNING: You are now entering a literary experiment. Goggles and lab coats mandatory.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Thank You Mario, But our Princess is in Another Castle!

Sometimes you need to do more with your life than lay naked and oiled up, curled in the fetal position on your bed, which is covered in saran wrap, as you cry, and listen to “Daydream Believer” pour out from your speakers over and over and over. Cheer up, Sleepy Jean. Cheer up…

Dammit. Did I do it again? Was that too personal? I sometimes go there.

But let me back it up a second: I was talking about video games, right? I wasn’t? Let’s pretend I was- it’s just easier that way.

Ever imagine that you’re living a gigantic version of Dr. Mario? - All pretty and colorful, and manageable until you get too many of those fricken’ blue/yellow capsules. And where’s a pink when you need it?

Which brings me round full circle to my original point: why do I have to pay $60 for my goddamn prescription?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't want to pay $60 for anything, let alone pills. And for that matter, blue and yellow ones. This is the pharmaceutical industry at its most corrupt.

5:02 PM  

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