The Triple-Alpha Process

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Friday, March 24, 2006

"Plane and Prejudice" Volume III, Part Two

This is the final installment of a series that has run for the past two weeks. Please, if you have not already, read the previous corresponding updates along with this one.

Chapter 3:
Though the possibility of humiliation and anguish from Adrian’s sudden change of intent might have been great, Caitlin’s disappointment was far less than she anticipated. After some reflection she realized that her affections were never really devoted to Mr. Sharples, as she once thought. Now they lay elsewhere.

At that very moment, Mr. Wright threw back the velour curtain and approached Caity with a gallantry that thrilled her thoroughly. Even amongst the squalor of Coach, he now seemed humble as he bent on one knee and asked for her hand in marriage. It was then Caity realized that it was Mr. Wright whom she loved all along. And with breathless exhilaration, she accepted.

Chapter 4:
The wedding service, which was held in Coach and performed quite eloquently by Freddy, was quick but charming. Now a wife, Caitlin smiled at her newly made husband and was much celebrated in his returned smile. Even the soft pounding and lusty murmurs echoing from the lavatory where Adrian held his tween, could not unsettle Caity’s disposition.

But where were the newlyweds to sit? How could they be together when they were assigned cabins apart? It was then, that a horrific shriek was heard from within the First Class cabin, and Janel ran to attend to it. A few moments later she returned with a joyful expression. An old woman had just died, and Caity was to now inherit her seat!

The old woman’s memory was always held with the highest level of regard and love by both Caitlin and Mr. Wright, who were both ever sensible of the gratitude to the person who, by dieing mid-way between New York and Los Angeles, had been the means of uniting them.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent work! Though I'm sad the old woman died, I'm happy that they're able to live out their flight together as a couple. And I'm sure it was her time.

Tweens are gross.


5:09 PM  

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